No. 1 Cloud Secured Hosting


Basic Hosting
12/m Storage: 1GB
  • Mail
  • 1 Domain
  • Wordpress Install
  • Files
  • Databases
  • Logs.


Cloud Secured Hosting
25/m Storage: 50GB
  • Mail: Use cPanel to create mail accounts, autoresponders, and forwarders.
  • Security: Use cPanel's security settings to configure password-protected directories, SSL/TLS, IP address denials, and GnuPG Key settings to restrict access.
  • Domains
  • Apps Galore.
  • Files
  • Databases
  • Logs


WHM Control Panel With 5 Included Cpanel Licenses
59/m Storage: 150GB
  • CPU: Eight cores
  • RAM: 30 GB
  • 100% SSD
  • CONNECTION: 600 Mbit/s port
  • UNLIMITED Traffic
  • WHM + 5 x cPanels
  • DDOS Protection Assistance


WHM Control Panel With 10 Included Cpanel Licenses
99/m Storage: 1000GB
  • CPU: 10 cores
  • RAM: 60 GB
  • 100% SSD
  • CONNECTION: 1000 Mbit/s port
  • UNLIMITED Traffic
  • WHM + 10 x cPanels
  • DDOS Protection Assistance

Do You Have A Custom Hosting Requirement?

Custom Hosting

Cloud Secured Web Hosting represents the next step in the evolution of online spaces, blending the scalability and flexibility of cloud computing with top-notch security measures.

In a world where digital threats loom larger by the day, securing web hosting on the cloud has become not just a priority but a necessity.

This type of hosting leverages cloud infrastructure, allowing for resources to be scaled up or down as needed, which is perfect for handling unexpected spikes in traffic or growth phases.

Popular Search Terms and Hosting Types

For businesses, choosing Cloud Secured Web Hosting is a smart move. It not only ensures that your online presence is robust and resilient but also signals to your customers that you take their privacy and security seriously. In an era where consumer trust can make or break a business, this is invaluable.

In conclusion, Cloud Secured Web Hosting is more than just a hosting solution; it's a comprehensive approach to maintaining a secure, reliable, and scalable online presence. As cyber threats continue to evolve, having a web hosting solution that can stand up to the challenge is not just beneficial, it's essential.

Free Web Hosting

Free web hosting refers to hosting services that are offered at no cost to the user. These services are often supported by advertisements or sponsored content, and may have limited features or resources compared to paid hosting options.

 Despite these limitations, free web hosting can be a suitable option for personal websites or small businesses just starting out. It is important to carefully evaluate the terms of service and limitations of a free web hosting provider before committing to using their services. 

Some providers may require users to display ads on their website, or may place restrictions on the type of content that can be hosted.

Enterprise Web Hosting

Enterprise web hosting refers to the practice of hosting websites for large organizations and businesses. These hosting solutions are typically more robust and scalable than those designed for smaller companies or individuals.

 Enterprise web cloud secured hosting providers offer a variety of features and services to meet the specific needs of their clients, including security measures, data backup and recovery, and dedicated support teams. 

Choosing the right enterprise web cloud secured hosting provider is essential for ensuring that a company’s website is reliable, secure, and able to handle high levels of traffic.

Best Web Hosting

Finding the best web cloud secured hosting provider for a website can be a challenging task, as there are many different factors to consider.

 Some important factors to consider when looking for the best web hosting include the type of website being hosted, the expected level of traffic, the available budget, and the specific features and tools that are needed. 

It is also important to consider the reputation and reliability of the hosting provider, as well as the level of customer support they offer. 

There are many different web hosting options available, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, and cloud hosting, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and goals of the website.

Web Hosting Godaddy

GoDaddy is a popular web cloud secured hosting provider that offers a range of hosting plans for businesses and individuals. 

GoDaddy’s hosting options include shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, and WordPress hosting.

GoDaddy’s shared hosting plans are suitable for small to medium-sized websites, while their VPS and dedicated hosting options are better suited for larger, more resource-intensive websites. 

GoDaddy also offers a variety of tools and resources for website owners, including a website builder, email hosting, and SSL certificates. GoDaddy is known for its user-friendly interface and 24/7 customer support.

Google Web Hosting

Google offers a web hosting service called Google Cloud Platform, which is a cloud computing platform that allows users to build and host applications and websites. 

Google Cloud Platform offers a range of hosting options, including compute, storage, and networking services, as well as a variety of tools and resources for developers. 

Some of the features of Google Cloud Platform include automatic scaling, high availability, and security measures such as encryption and identity and access management. 

Google Cloud Platform is suitable for a wide range of applications, including web and mobile applications, data analytics, machine learning, and internet of things (IoT) projects.

Cyprus Web Hosting

Cyprus is home to a number of web hosting companies that offer a range of hosting solutions to businesses and individuals. These hosting providers offer a variety of features and services, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, and cloud hosting. 

Some of the benefits of choosing a Cyprus-based web hosting provider include the availability of local support, as well as the option to host websites on servers located within the European Union (EU). 

Cyprus is known for its business-friendly environment and strong telecommunications infrastructure, which makes it an attractive location for hosting websites. Choosing a reliable and reputable web cloud secured hosting provider in Cyprus can help ensure that a website is secure, fast, and always available to users.

Hosting Informative Data

Best Web Hosting for Small Business

Small businesses have unique hosting needs and may require different features and resources than larger businesses. At Pixel Earth we use cloud secured hosting using CDN like CloudFlare and others. Hosting options for small businesses include:

  1. Shared hosting: This is a cost-effective option that is suitable for small websites with low to moderate levels of traffic. Shared hosting involves a single server being shared among multiple websites.

  2. Cloud secured hosting: This type of hosting is scalable and flexible, making it suitable for small businesses that expect to experience rapid growth or fluctuating levels of traffic.

  3. Managed hosting: This type of hosting is ideal for small businesses that do not have the time or resources to manage their own server. Managed hosting providers handle the maintenance and management of the server, allowing the business to focus on their website and core business operations.

  4. VPS hosting: This type of hosting offers more power and customization than shared hosting, making it suitable for small businesses with more demanding resource requirements.

  5. Dedicated hosting: This type of hosting involves a single website being hosted on its own dedicated server. While this option is more expensive than shared or VPS hosting, it is suitable for small businesses with high levels of traffic and resource requirements.

Examples of Web Hosting

There are many different types of web hosting options available, each with their own unique features and benefits. Some examples of web hosting include these below, click on their subjects to contact us about them:

  1. Shared hosting: This is the most basic type of web hosting, where a single server is shared among multiple websites. Shared hosting is suitable for small to medium-sized websites with low to moderate levels of traffic.

  2. Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting: This type of hosting offers a more powerful and customizable option than shared hosting. A VPS is created by partitioning a physical server into multiple virtual servers, each with its own operating system and resources.

  3. Dedicated hosting: This type of hosting involves a single website being hosted on its own dedicated server. Dedicated hosting is suitable for large websites with high levels of traffic and resource requirements.

  4. Cloud secured hosting: This type of hosting involves a network of servers working together to host websites, allowing for greater scalability and flexibility.

  5. Managed hosting: This type of hosting involves the hosting provider taking care of the maintenance and management of the server, allowing the website owner to focus on their website content and functionality.