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Will Graphic Design AI DALL-E 2 Ax Your Graphic Design Dreams?

Welcome to the 21st century! Where self-checkout is now a staple at every grocery store and robots are handling production and warehousing.

What was left shielded from being robotized is actually creative work, work that essentially requires human thinking and artistic vision.

But can that be replaced by a robot as well?

Introducing DALL-E 2

Is it inspired by WALL-E? The Disney movie

Turns out it’s actually a shout out to the animated character and the late Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dalí.

DALL-E 2, developed by the company OpenAI, is a system that reimagines images and texts using a synthesis of the 12 billion parameters that GPT-3 inherited. A dataset of text-image pairs is used to train the model.

The first DALL-E version, released in January 2021, was disruptive but still had a number of restrictions and required training.

DALL-E 2 is the second version of this AI and is currently being developed from it. Images with a higher degree of correspondence to the user-provided caption can now be generated 71.7% of the time and with image resolutions up to four times higher than with the first version.

There will be a wide range of potential applications when this AI is used in design applications. A number of design-related fields will be impacted by an AI developed with the intention of assisting and enabling people to express their creativity.

For businesses and agencies involved in design and advertising, using DALL-E 2 as an image bank resource is a promising alternative for the future. This is a result of the system’s remarkable capacity to duplicate, transform, and synthesize images as well as to include and exclude elements based on user requirements. As it is still in development and in an experimental phase, only individual use and non-commercial purposes are permitted, so permission is still needed before the images can be used commercially.

How To Use DALL-E 2?

The premise of DALL-E 2 is straightforward. AI magic will create the image after you enter an up to 400-character descriptive prompt, such as “an orangutan baking pizza in the style of Claude Monet.”

However, anyone who has used an AI art generator knows that the results can be a little lackluster if you just type the first text that comes to mind. But now, a handy DALL-E 2 prompt book offers some guidance on how to word the prompts to get the outcomes you want.

Guy Parsons’ DALL-E 2 prompt book, distributed by the AI art website the DALL-Ery GALL-Ery, is a visual tool intended to inspire your own works using DALL-E 2.It also provides some helpful advice on how to make the most of the AI art generator.

Can Brands Replace Creatives With AI?

The potential threat these platforms pose to designers and the stock image industry is the first thing that comes to mind when using some of them because they can produce creative images at a rate, scale, and volume that humans are simply not built to handle.

However, it is anticipated that images created using DALL-E and its alternatives will be a cost-effective substitute for otherwise expensive stock photos.

Other experts contend that these tools could improve designers’ work even more. They could be used by stock image platforms to grow both their service portfolios and their stock image repositories.

They think that making these tools more accessible would enable designers to concentrate on their work and realize their vision more quickly and efficiently.

Needless To Say

Keep making your art, stay creative.

DALL-E is smart, but it’s nowhere near ready, it doesn’t have full access and most importantly.

An AI can’t replace the human intellect!