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2 Techs That Can Transform The Economy Of Developing Countries

By adopting cutting-edge technology like blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI), developing nations can outpace more established economic development patterns.

Techs That Can Boost The Economy

These technologies have the power to significantly change how these nations trade freely through adaptive functioning, efficiency, and transparency.


Supply chain management, land registration, and financial transactions are just a few examples of how blockchain technology can boost accountability and transparency.

Blockchain can be used in agriculture, for example, to track a crop’s history from the farm to the table.

Transparency can promote buyer and seller confidence, reduce transaction costs, and guarantee that farmers get paid fairly for their produce.

Similarly, blockchain can provide more accuracy in streamlining land registration processes.

Blockchain technology can lower the possibility of fraud by producing irreversible records of property ownership and transactions, making it simpler for people to buy, sell, and transfer land.

This can lead to increased investment in real estate and stimulate economic growth.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Adversely, AI can be used to automate and improve operations in a variety of sectors, including healthcare, manufacturing, and finance.

Large datasets and machine learning algorithms can be used to improve decision-making speed and accuracy, minimize mistake rates, and increase productivity.

For instance, AI-powered diagnostic systems in the healthcare field can help doctors in identifying diseases and prescribing treatments, improving patient outcomes and lowering expenses.

AI can be utilized in banking to identify fraud, forecast market trends, and tailor client experiences.

By utilizing AI, developing countries can build financial systems that are more productive and efficient, promoting economic growth and lowering poverty.

To maximize these technologies, though, developing countries will have to deal with issues like cybersecurity, data privacy, and access to digital infrastructure.

Additionally, governments will need to develop laws and policies to promote innovation and safeguard citizens’ rights.


In conclusion, blockchain and AI offer a chance for developing nations to strengthen their economies and surpass conventional development paradigms.

These nations may develop more transparent, effective, and productive sectors that will boost economic growth and lower poverty by adopting these technologies.