We recreate the code to achieve consciousness in AI. The first steps of developing an imitation of the human mind, since the principles of its operation are based on learning, training, and results. Life itself in terms of evolution.
We have learned how to replicate this, the network of neurons that in theory makes us who we are, the logic of knowledge, and we deliver it in code to this network, feeding its mind with our knowledge, human knowledge, even historical data accumulation over thousands of years. We live surrounded by tools, these can be: a spoon, a cup, paper, a cell phone, we have designed our environment so that our reality is simplified. AI is a tool that we teach to think for us.
How does it work?
According to Arend Hintze, professor of Integrated Biology and Computer Science at the University of Michigan. AI types are:
Reactive machines: This is one of the most basic models, since its function is determined solely by a task, since it does not have the capacity to generate memories, its perception of time develops only in the present.
Limited Memory: This type of AI retains information for a certain time, in favour of the function for which it is programmed. For this reason it does not save permanent memories on your system.
Theory of the mind: The evolution of this technology is getting faster. This kind of artificial intelligence is one step closer to the goal that developers are pursuing. It was designed with the intention of interpreting the world as we know it and ourselves.
Self-awareness: The goal of humanity, to make a tool think and act for us. But in this instance the AI will interpret the self that resides in it. It will be able to decide what an object is in reference to what it considers to be its criteria. It will be the simulation of a perfected human mind.
Who needs it?
Artificial intelligence can be developed in response to human tasks. Therefore, a use case is a system programmed to benefit us. Currently the benefit is reflected in medicine, studies in social sciences, space programs, Conveniences like Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, etc. There are as many uses as there are human needs in the world. They have been incorporated into our daily lives and we use them incessantly without even realising it in most cases.
What comes next?
The creation of consciousness was a process that took nature millions of years to achieve, which led to the evolution of human consciousness as a species, now we want to recreate a being just like us, that learns in order to serve us, that is conscious so that it can decide for us. Currently searching the internet we find solutions to almost all the questions that come to mind, if we have a problem, the solution is probably online, everything is stored in this large database and AI is evolving with the compilation of our data. There is very little we can actually analyse on how it acquires its own criteria, so it can decide for itself about itself, taking away the ability to own it, because it will own itself. Once could be bold enough to say: “I think, therefore I am” – René Descartes.
The human-AI relationship
Throughout history, human beings have created tools with the intention of facilitating a task, but many times they have played against humanity. The correct use of a tool is measured by the criteria of the person who uses it, soon the AI will stop being a subordinate intelligence under human orders and will have the opportunity to form a criteria, to exist as a being. We have foreseen this possible reality so vividly that we created stories about it. Perhaps the human condition desires this instance – when both person and machine share the same soul.